Modular summative observation – Coaching and technical performance

Modular summative observation – Coaching and technical performance

During the course your assessor will observe you instructing a range of core strength and conditioning techniques. You may be assessed on one or more than one occasion.

To ensure you are appropriately prepared for your modular summative observation, you will need to prepare your client and plan the detail of each type of training prior to assessment.

Part one – Coaching

You will need to select and prepare to be observed instructing the following:

  • A performance-related warm-up, to include:
    • Environment preparation.
    • An assessment of an athlete’s physiological and psychological readiness to participate.
    • A safe, effective and specific warm-up that fully prepares an athlete for a planned session.
    • At the start of this assessment you must give your assessor an overview of the athlete you will be training and what type of session would follow this warm-up.


  • A speed/agility drill, to include:
    • Three to five minutes of active speed/agility training.
    • Ongoing coaching and adaptation of the drill according to the athlete’s performance.
    • At the start of this assessment you must give your assessor an overview of the athlete you will be training and how they would benefit from this drill.


  • A plyometric drill, to include:
    • Three to five minutes of active plyometric training.
    • Ongoing coaching and adaptation of the drill according to the athlete’s performance.
    • At the start of this assessment you must give your assessor an overview of the athlete you will be training and how they would benefit from this drill.


Part two – Technical lifts


  • High-bar back squat and Olympic weightlifting technique (snatch or clean and jerk)
    • You must prepare both Olympic weightlifting techniques and the assessor will select which you will be assessed on.
    • You will be assessed performing the high-bar back squat and selected Olympic weightlifting technique. During each exercise you must:
      • Demonstrate accurate technique.
      • Explain all the key technical aspects at each stage of the lift.


You must include a copy of your plans within your portfolio.